In Conclusion ...
A 2-Sample T-Test comparing mean leaving parking lot times of students who left the school building at different time intervals resulted in the following conclusion:We reject the null hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance because the p-value is < α. Therefore, there is sufficient evidence to say that the mean time to leave the parking lot for students who drive to school and leave the building at 2:35pm - 2:40pm is greater than the mean time to leave the parking lot for students who drive to school and leave the building at either 2:30p.m. - 2:35p.m. or 2:40 - 2:45p.m. This conclusion is roughly what we expected to see as the result of our experiment.
If a student leaves during the peak of traffic in the parking lot, their time to pull out is significantly higher than if they left the school building within five minutes after 11th period ending. Additionally, it may be wise to wait until the traffic has mostly passed, if a student is not capable of leaving within the first five minutes. Leaving the school building 15 minutes after 11th period ends yields very quick parking lot exit times.