Notes from Mrs. Caso

This is a three day project in which you will be acting as a rock band manager helping the band to determine a pricing strategy. We will go over the scenario on the first day of the project and proceed from there. You will be expected to complete the assigned tasks each day in class. 

Lesson Plan

Day 1: If you don't have the handouts from class, download all 4 handouts from the links at the left. See the teacher for the user name and password. Read through "There's Nothing Like a Good Graph" The third page is a practice graph sheet. We won't be collecting data for this project, so that part won't be used for this project. The rest is important.

Then read through the Introduction at the beginning of "Marketing Goosepimples". This lays the foundation for the scenario.

On the Marketing Goosepimples Worksheet (with the heading Graphing Matter Worksheet Type E), fill in the Group members and Group name.

Divide the Equations box into 4 sections with a vertical and a horizontal line. Label each part: A, B, C, & D.

On the back of the worksheet, answer questions 1 and 2 on the Marketing Goosepimples scenario sheet.

When done, complete #3 by writing equations for strategies A and B in the appropriate equation boxes on the work-sheet. Use a different color for each equation.

Then complete #4 by adding equations for the last two strategies as described. Use two more different colors for these equations.

You will finish today by starting to create the mini-graph on the worksheet. Make sure to label the axes and mark off scales on both. Use the data for the equations to set your scales.
Day 2:  Today you will continue to work on the mini-graph and answer more of the questions.

On the mini-graph, draw lines for each of the four equations using the methods we learned in this chapter. Use colors corresponding to the colors used to write the equations in the boxes.

When you are done with the graph, have the teacher initial the worksheet and give you the final graph paper.

Answer question 5 on the back of the new graph paper and proceed to mark out the scales and label the axes on the new graph paper.

Then complete question 6 by drawing out the 4 lines for the equations very accurately with a ruler using the appropriate colors on the new graph.
Day 3:  Finish up the project today by completing questions 7 through 13. Question 10 a. goes on the front and the rest on the back of the graph.

Then, if you wish, choose one of the extra credit options on the bottom of the page labeled Just for Laughs. If you choose the air guitar option, you need to provide the music yourself for your performance. Turn in your final graph with your completed questions before beginning the extra credit.
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