1. Ho= There is no association between drinking and smoking
Ha= There is an association between drinking and smoking
2. Significance level .05
Test Statistic = Chi-Square Test for Independence
Cell Count
Tally for Discrete Variables: Drink @ parties, Drink, Smoke, Smoke @ parties
Drink @ Smoke @
parties Count Drink Count Smoke Count parties Count
no 19 no 20 no 21 no 21
yes 10 yes 9 yes 8 yes 8
N= 29 N= 29 N= 29 N= 29
Assumptions: We obtained a random sample, but we have to assume that the population is normal since we had less than 30. Therefore the Central Limit Theorem does not apply.
Chi-Square Test: Drinks, Smokes
Expected counts are printed below observed counts
Chi-Square contributions are printed below expected counts
Drinks Smokes Total
no 39 42 81
40.50 40.50
0.056 0.056
yes 19 16 35
17.50 17.50
0.129 0.129
Total 58 58 116
Chi-Sq = 0.368, DF = 1, P-Value = 0.544
Degrees of Freedom= 1