

procrastination \proh-cras-tuh-NAY-shuhn\, noun:
1. To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.


"Procrastination is the art of waiting."
- Procrastination help

AP Stats Fast Fact

When you are not given a significance level (α), you should assume an alpha (α) level of .05.

More Fun with Procrastination!

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Now that you know all about our study, it's time to have some fun with procrastination! Don't forget to check out our procrastination links on the left!

First, and possibly most important, let's find out just how much of a procrastinator you really are. Use the Java quiz below to find out. Simply click on the buttons corresponding to your answers, and behold your level of procrastination!

(Our quiz is still under development. Please keep checking back!)

*This quiz requires the Java SE runtime. Visit if you need to download a copy.

Finally, when conducting our survey, we wanted to know some of our subjects' favorite artists from the genres that they said were their favorites. Use the Finetune player below to enjoy some of the music that they responded with. (Finetune is a free music streaming service. Each time you refresh this page, the playlist will play in a different order).

*The Finetune player requires Flash to run. It runs best on Flash Player 9. Visit if you need to download a copy.

If you would like to create your own Finetune playlists, you can create a free account, and begin creating unlimited playlists. Check out for more information!