A. My population of interest is juniors and seniors. My sample size is 80 students.
To randomly select my samples, I put all the names of juniors and seniors in the Minitab Lab worksheet. Then I went to Calc-Random Data-Sample from columns. I put in 80 for Sample, C1 and C2 in rows from column(s), and C1 and C2 in store samples in. Then I went to Manip-Sort, putting in C1 (last names) and C2 (first names) in Sort Columns. Then I put C1 in Sort by column since I only need to sort out the last names of the samples. After the sorting, I print out the names of the 80 students and went to the guidance office. I wrote down the names of each student and his/her teacher (any teacher) name and the period with that teacher on a sticky note. After that I put the sticky notes on the survey shown below. I sort out the teachers’ last names so that Mrs. Caso will put them in the teacher mailboxes.
Please respond to the following:
Grade: 11 12
Gender: M F
Are you currently working on a job? Yes No
π 1 : The proportion of working male NOHS students
π2 : The proportion of working female NOHS students
Ho: π 1 = π2
Ha: π 1 ≠ π 2
a = 0.05
The samples are independent random samples.
The distributions for males and females are assumed normal.
Distribution is approximated normal by:
n π 1≥10 14(11/14) ≥10
n(1- π 1) ≥10 14(1-11/14) ≤10
n π 2≥10 23(17/23) ≥10
n(1- π 2) ≥10 23(1-17/23) ≥10
Test and CI for Two Proportions
Sample X N Sample p
1 11 14 0.785714
2 23 40 0.575000
Estimate for p(1) - p(2): 0.210714
95% CI for p(1) - p(2): (-0.0532312, 0.474660)
Test for p(1) - p(2) = 0 (vs not = 0): Z = 1.56 P-Value = 0.118
* NOTE * The normal approximation may be inaccurate for small samples.
Z= 01.56
P-value= 0.118