
Our study asked students in our high school about their favorite genres of television, movies, and books. We obtained a list of all male and female students in our high school, and then used Minitab to create a randomized list. Our goal was to see if there was an association between male and female preference of entertainment genres. We did background research on similar studies. We found that drama and romance were the most popular genres of entertainment in our research. However, the research we found didn’t stratify by gender. Our survey included the categories action, romance, comedy, horror, nonfiction, sports, and other. We combined the categories for a more accurate chi-square test. For the chi-square test, we tried to combine the most similar genres. We combined action with horror, romance with comedy, and nonfiction with sports and other. We had a few large weaknesses in our study, including non-response bias. Out of the 120 surveys we sent out, we only got about 80-90 surveys back. Another weakness of our study was the limited amount of genre choices we gave in our survey. A confounding variable that affected our study was the number of movies released in each genre this year. For example, if more action movies were released that romance, there’s a better chance for a person to tend to say that they prefer action movies. We could extrapolate our study to other high schools because there is no specific reason why North Olmsted High School would have significantly different students than other public high schools. For each type of entertainment, comedy and romance were generally the most popular genres. One of our chi-square tests, gender vs. movies, had two cell counts with 0, so we could not draw a valid conclusion. Another chi-square test, gender vs. books, had a p-value that was too high. Only one of our tests, gender vs. TV, had a p-value lower than alpha, which allowed us to reject our null hypothesis, and conclude that there is sufficient evidence to say that there is an association between male and female preference of book genres.

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