Weaknesses of the Study
There were or could have been a few weaknesses to my study. When I sent out my surveys, I realized that I had forgotten to put a gender question on the survey. I went around to ask the teachers if they wouldn't mind putting
the gender of the student on the survey because without knowing the gender, my study would have been invalid. I would have been doing a totaly new study. Also, I picked a large amount of surveys to send out because I knew that not everyone in the school has a job.
If I had more time to conduct my study, I would have extended the project outside of school to receive a larger sample size. I also would've asked men and women of all ages to extend the study out
from just teenagers. In addition, I would strictly only ask men and women that currently have jobs so that i may receive accurate data. An extrapolation of my experiment would enhance my results, giving me more accurate data for a certain population.
Further Suggestions for Future Studies
For a future study on this topic, if i were to extend the study outside of school, I could separate different kinds of jobs. For example, I could separate doctors and fast food restuarant employees. They are extreme differences, however, you get the point.