The article linked above discusses with perspective teachers how to deal with the problems that arise with their students. Bullet number 2 discusses talking, and bullet number 6 discusses sleeping. The information from this article supports the idea that talking in class is more disrespectful than sleeping. When a student talks in class, he/she is interrupting the learning process, because it is disruptive, where when you sleep in class, many teachers will think that there might be a problem, and be encouraging to help you out. The above link will take you to Yahoo! answers. Somebody asked why you shouldn't sleep in class, and then went on to state that they had gotten in trouble for it. The 'Best Answer, as chosen by voters' was, "it's rude." This tells us that it is very rude to talk in class. Rude and disrespectful are synonymous, in numerous ways, so I feel that this supports my theory, that most people will view talking as more disrespectful. I’m starting to get this fear that it won’t even be a competition, and Talking over the teacher will win as the more disrespectful one, easily.