The purpose of this study is to essentially determine which gender works out more often on average, men or women?
Since I enjoy spending time at the gym and I have seen a suprisingly vast amount of people at the gym, I was curious to
see which sex spends more time working out. A popular question that I have been asked is how many days I spend at the gym
in any given week. Hearing other people's answers suprised me, and I asked myself how different can the answers get?
On average, is there a difference between the number of days spent at a gym between men and women?
I wanted to discover if there was a difference between the average amount of days spent at the gym between men and women.
I decided to ask my questions at the North Olmsted Rec. Center, where I currently work out. I planned to ask every
The more muscle mass you have, the more fat your body will burn while you sleep. That means sleep gains!
Since you're working out, all the calories you have been burning need to be replaced, so you need to eat more.
45 million people in the United States are members of a gym or health club. That's only 14%...
It's very important when working out. Not consuming protein can leave you feeling hungry and tired afterwards.