Texting vs. GPA |
The Study
In order to obtain the sample we chose to conduct a survey sent to randomly selected students during one of their classes. JAST AP Stats Student Project You have been randomly selected to participate in this survey. Please take a moment to fill your answers truthfully. = ) * Student survey, your answers will not be seen by any administrator Do you text during school? Yes No What is your cumulative G.PA?
Null Hypothesis: Students who do not text have a higher GPA. Alternative Hypothesis: Students who do text have a higher GPA. Significance level: α = 0.05 Test
Statistic: Two-Sample T Test
Assumptions: data was independently selected and the sample sizes are large or both population distributions are normal. Calculation: Two-sample T for GPA vs GPA2 N Mean StDev SE Mean GPA 34 3.609 0.508 0.087 GPA2 34 2.953 0.732 0.13 Difference = mu GPA - mu GPA2 Estimate for difference: 0.656 95% lower bound for difference: 0.400 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs >): T-Value = 4.29 P-Value = 0.000 DF = 58
P-Value: There were 58 degrees of freedom for this test. The computed T-value = 4.29; therefore the P-value = 0. Conclusion: We can reject Null Hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, we have sufficient evidence to say that the GPAs of students who text are higher than those GPAs of students who do not text. |
JAST DesignCreek |