Each student's average approval score for books was determined with the help of Minitab. Then, each student's average approval score was computed. The results are in! See how the students did. Drum roll please...
BooksAvg | MoviesAvg |
3.142857 | 4.428571 |
1 | 3.428571 |
4.428571 | 5.285714 |
2.428571 | 4.571429 |
0.857143 | 3.142857 |
1.714286 | 3.714286 |
1.857143 | 4.571429 |
1.142857 | 1.714286 |
2.285714 | 2.142857 |
3.857143 | 2.714286 |
3.428571 | 4.857143 |
4.142857 | 4.857143 |
4.714286 | 7.285714 |
1 | 3.571429 |
4.428571 | 5.857143 |
0.571429 | 2.714286 |
2.142857 | 4.285714 |
2.857143 | 3.571429 |
3.428571 | 5.714286 |
3.714286 | 5.428571 |
5.428571 | 6.428571 |
0.571429 | 3.285714 |
2.857143 | 3.285714 |
3.285714 | 6.142857 |
1.428571 | 4.285714 |
0.142857 | 2.142857 |
1.571429 | 5.857143 |
3 | 3.571429 |
1 | 2.571429 |
3.142857 | 5.142857 |
2.285714 | 5.428571 |
2.571429 | 4.571429 |
3 | 3.571429 |
3.571429 | 4 |
0.428571 | 3.142857 |
4.428571 | 4.142857 |
0.857143 | 4.285714 |
0 | 3.714286 |
6 | 3.857143 |
2.285714 | 3.571429 |
4.571429 | 5.285714 |
4.428571 | 4.571429 |
2 | 3.142857 |
2.142857 | 3.571429 |
0.714286 | 3.428571 |
1 | 4.857143 |
2.571429 | 4.571429 |
0.571429 | 4.714286 |
1 | 5.714286 |
1.714286 | 2.857143 |
0 | 2.142857 |
1.857143 | 4.714286 |
5.142857 | 6.857143 |
0.285714 | 3.428571 |
1.857143 | 2.428571 |
The data is in tabular form and each data value represents the average approval score assigned by each student. To look at the graphs and do a comparative analysis, head to Graphs.