To obtain the sample of our study, we sat at chipotle for five days, monday through friday for an hour period, roughly in in the time slot between 5-7pm. We observed customers purchasing either a burrito or burrito bowl and created a tally for each noting their gender. The total came to 172 males and 160 females at the North Olmsted Chipotle purchasing either a burrito or burrito bowl, ages ranging from what looked as young as 10 and as old as about 60. Our population of interest is all general female and male chipotle customers.
Ho: Gender and preference of burrito or burrito bowl are independent
Ha: Gender and preference of burrito or burrito bowl are not independent
α: .01
Our sample size is large enough because all cell counts of our data collected and the expected are greater then 5. Our sample is also random because the customers who came through chipotle were not chosen by us and came in on their own free will randomly.