The Study
In order to obtain the information necessary to complete our observational study, my partner and I created a survey that we distributed to the sample population that we obtained. We obtained our sample population by retrieving a list of all the Juniors and Seniors in North Olmsted High School, assigning a number to each and every person in each class, and then using a random number generator, picked out forty numbers from each class. After obtaining the sample size, we distributed the surveys to the students through their teachers. When they completed the survey, regardless if they held a job, they returned they survey to their teacher, and then eventually to us. Our samples included only teenagers in the Junior and Senior Class because these students are able to obtain jobs.
Ho: There is no association between salary wages for teenage males and females.
Ha: There is an association between salary wages for teenage males and females.
Significance level = α: 0.05
Significance Test: Chi-Square Test for Homogeneity
(Expected Cell Count) = (Row Marginal Total x Column Marginal Total)/Grand Total
Assumptions: All cell counts are greater than or equal to 5.
Tabulated Statistics: Gender and Wage Category
Category Key: What does these letters mean? (A.) Less than Minimum Wage (B.) Minimum Wage $6.85-$7.00 (C.) $7.00-$7.25 (D.) $7.26-$7.50 (E.) $7.51-$7.75 (F.) $7.76-$8.00 (G.) More than $8.00 (H.) No Job $0.00 |
Rows: Gender Columns: Wage Categories
A B C D F G H Total
Females 0 13 8 5 1 1 6 34
0.54 14.57 6.48 2.70 1.62 2.70 5.40 34.00
Males 1 14 4 0 2 4 4 29
0.46 12.43 5.52 2.30 1.38 2.30 4.60 29.00
Total 1 27 12 5 3 5 10 63
1.00 27.00 12.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 10.00 63.00
Chi-Square = 9.567 and Degrees of Freedom (DF)= 6
* WARNING * 2 cells with expected counts less than 1.0
* Chi-Square approximation probably invalid
9 cells with expected counts less than 5.0
Degrees of Freedom: 6
P-value: Because there were 9 cell counts that were less than 5.0 and 2 cell counts less than 1.0, there was no P-value possible. Possible reasons for such a result could be contributed to our sample size. Out of 80 students that was sampled, 17 surveys were either not returned and or left blank.