We obtained
a stratified sample of students in each grade level in North Olmsted high
school. In order to do this, we listed all of the students which included males
and females from each grade in Minitab and using a random number generator we
obtained 50 students from each grade. All together we have a sample size of 200
students. Once we obtained 50 students from each grade we created a survey to
send out to them while they’re in their 3rd period classes. Once the surveys
were completed they were to be returned to their 3rd period teachers which would
when return it to Mrs. Caso. A copy of our survey can be viewed below:
Please take a moment to fill our survey and return
it to your teacher.
Grade level (Please circle one) 9 10 11 12
Cumulative GPA (Please place a check mark next to the GPA that applies to
Below 2.0__ 2.0-2.49__ 2.5-2.99__ 3.0-3.49__ 3.5-3.99__ Above 4.0__
On average how many hours do you spend on extracurricular activities each
week? (Please include sports, clubs, band/orchestra, work, etc) Please
place a
check mark next to the number of hours that best applies to you.
None__ 1-5__ 5-10__ 10-15__ 15-20__ Above 20__
Significance Test
Null Hypothesis: Ho: The student's overall GPA and their the time spent on extracurricular activities are independent. Alternative Hypothesis: Ha: The student's overall GPA and their time spent on extracurricular activities are dependent. Significance level: α=0.05 Test Statistic:
expected cell count= (row marginal total)(column marginal total)/grand total Tabulated Statistics: GPA, Hours Rows: GPA Columns: Hours 1 2 All 1 54 22 76 54 22 76 2 35 39 74 35 39 74 All 89 61 150 89 61 150 Chi-Square = 8.769, DF = 1, P-Value = 0.003
P-value= 0.003 df=(number of rows-1)(number of columns-1) df= 1 chi squared (x²)=8.769 Assumptions: 1. The observed cell counts are from a random sample. 2. The sample size is large: all expected cell counts are at least 5.