.Who usesTechnology more?
This study was created to find out if there is a difference in the use of technology between males and females. The sampling size of this project is 80. Random samples were handed out to 40 males at Great Northern Mall. Also, random samples were handed out to 40 females at Great Northern Mall. There is non-response bias since 3 males and 3 females chose not to take the survey. The survey consisted of three questions that asked about different kinds of technology. Since these three questions could not be combined in any way to conduct a test, a Chi-Square test was done for each question by gender. Background research has told us that it is a proven fact the males are more technologically inclined than females. Popular belief is that males spend a lot of time playing video games. Three Chi-Square tests for homogeneity were conducted. Each question was tallied by category. The categories were: 1 hour or less, 2-3 hours, 4-5 hours, and 6 or more hours. The first Chi-Square test was for question 1. There were 2 cells with expected counts less than 5. The p-value was 0.353, so I failed to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to conclude that the amount of time males spend watching t.v. differs from the amount of time females spend watching t.v. The second Chi-Square test had a p-value of 0, but there were 2 cells with expected counts less than 5. The null hypothesis can still be rejected. Therefore, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that the amount of time that males and females play video games differs. However, by looking at the data, it is clear that males spend more time playing video games than females. The third Chi-Square test was for question 3. The p-value was 0.681, so I failed to reject the null. There were 2 cells with expected counts less than 5. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to conclude that the total time spent on electronics differs between males and females.