The Study - Sampling and Test
The population of my study is all the Asian and Caucasian students at North Olmsted High School. Using the Minitab data sheet with the list of all the students, I first separated all the Caucasian students and all the Asian students from the entire list. Then I proceeded to randomly select a sample from those two new lists. Using Calc -> Random Data -> Sample from columns, I was able to randomly select a set number of students from the lists. For Asian students the initial population size was low compared to the Caucasian size. So for the Asian sample I only randomly chose 40 students. The Caucasian student population size was much greater so I randomly chose 90 students to be part of the sample. This is the survey that I used.
What is your current Cumulative GPA? ____________________
What is you ethnic back ground? Check the appropriate choice.
Asian ___
African American ____
Caucasian (White) ____
Other (Please state what that is) ___________________
I ask the students to tell me their current cumulative GPA. I also ask for their ethnic background, even though my study only involves Asians and Caucasian, I made sure to include multiple races for the students to choose from so that they do not realize that I am only sampling the two races.
For my calculations I used a two sample t test. This is because the sample sizes were large enough, however the population standard deviation is unknown.
U1= True mean average GPA for Asian Students at NOHS
U2= True mean average GPA for Caucasian Students at NOHS
Ho: The true mean average GPA of Asian students at is equal to the GPA of Caucasian Students at NOHS.
Ha: The true mean average GPA of Asian students at is higher than GPA of Caucasian Students at NOHS.
A= .05
t = (3.511-3.207) – 0
(.690^2/33 + .628^2/36)^(1/2)
t = 1.91
df = 64
p value = 0.030
The P value is less than the alpha value. 0.030<0.05 that means that we can reject the Ho at .1 and .05 level of significance. There is sufficient evidence to say that the true mean average GPA of Asian students is higher than the true mean average GPA of Caucasian students at North Olmsted High School.