
We decided to conduct a study relating traveling distance and G.P.A. It was a random study asking students what countries they have been to and then we found the distance. We then asked for their G.P.A. to find a relation

    We choose 150 students at NOHS and sent them a survey asking travel information. They're were the different world regions, and all the stats, and the a section asking their G.P.A.

After all the surveys had arrived, we went through and sorted them out, getting rid of the ones that werent completely filled out. We then had added up the distance for each individual student and entered it into mini-tab with their G.P.A.. Our test results came back to show us that we had insufficent evidence to prove our theory. We basically don't have enough evidence to prove that there is a relationship how far the student has been, and if it has had an effect on their grades.

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