For my study, the population was all students enrolled in North Olmsted High School. I obtained a list of all the students and used the "sample from columns tool to randomly choose 100 students. I created the survey and looked up the schedules to these 100 students. I sent out the surveys to these students however, many of them could not be reached due to pseop, polaris, or they just no longer attend North Olmsted High School. There was a lot of non response bias too because many of the surveys handed back were filled out incorrectly or not filled out at all.
What is your cumulative gpa? _______________
How many hours of sleep do you get on a typical school night? ___________
null hypothesis: There is an association between hours of sleep and grade point average.
alternative hypothesis: There is no asssociation between hours of sleep and grade point average.
μ1 ≠ μ2
alpha= .05
assumptions: the samples are independently randomly chosen.
test statistic: two sample t-test
GPA = 3.45 - 0.0745 Hours of Sleep
Constant 3.4545 0.5352 6.45 0.000
Hours of Sleep -0.07453 0.07951 -0.94 0.352
Regression 1 0.3787 0.3787 0.88 0.352
Residual Error 59 25.4288 0.4310
Total 60 25.8075
p-value is 0.352 and the t-value is -0.94 with 60 df.
Conclusion- We fail to reject the null hypothesis because the p value is 0.352 which is greater than alpha. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to say that there is an association between hours of sleep and grade point average.
Obs Sleep GPA Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid
18 7.00 4.4000 2.9327 0.0886 1.4673 2.26R
30 4.00 3.8000 3.1563 0.2267 0.6437 1.04 X
42 4.00 2.0000 3.1563 0.2267 -1.1563 -1.88 X
54 7.50 0.9000 2.8955 0.1080 -1.9955 -3.08R
X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large leverage.
GPA 61 0 2.9590 0.0840 0.6558 0.9000 2.5500 3.0000
Hours of Sleep 61 0 6.648 0.136 1.066 4.000 6.000 6.500
GPA 3.5000 4.4000
Hours of Sleep 7.000 9.000