Is There a Relationship Between a Student's and Parent's Political and Religious Views?
Project and website by Matthew Brady, Jonah Free, and Brandon Schmitt.
Our Topic
The topic we conducted our survey on was the political and religious relationship between students and their parents. We wanted to know how strongly a student's parent's feelings about politics reates to their own personal opinion, and if how religious a student's parent is relates to how religious they are.
Population, Sample, and Sampling
Our population were the students at North Olmsted High School and our sample was 40 randomly selected students.
The sampling technique we used was to obtain a list of all NOHS students from Mrs. Caso and enter it into Minitab. Then we used the "sample from columns" option to obtain our random sample of size 80.
Of the 80 students we provided surveys, 44 of them returned the surveys to us. We only needed an amount around 30-35, so 44 was a great amound to have returned to us.
Ho = There is no association between a student’s parent’s political affiliation and the student’s.
Ha= There is an association between a student’s parent’s political affiliation and the student’s.
Sig. Level = .05
Assumptions = Met: Random samples
Not met: All expected cell counts
Test statistic =
1) How religious would you consider yourself? (Circle a number)
Atheist/Don’t Care Moderately Religious Extremely Religious
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2) How strongly do you consider your opinions on politics? (Circle a number)
No Opinion/Don’t Care Fairly Opinionated Very Opinionated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3) How closely do your religious views resemble your parents’? (Circle one)
Very Close | Moderately Close | Moderately Far | Very Far
4) How closely do your Political views resemble your parents’? (Circle one)
Very Close | Moderately Close | Moderately Far | Very Far
Tabulated statistics:
Student Politcal Adjusted, Parent Political
Rows: Student Politcal Adjusted Columns: Parent Political
1 2 3 4 All
1 2 0 1 6 9
1.600 3.400 2.000 2.000 9.000
2 1 10 3 1 15
2.667 5.667 3.333 3.333 15.000
3 2 4 1 1 8
1.422 3.022 1.778 1.778 8.000
4 1 2 3 2 8
1.422 3.022 1.778 1.778 8.000
5 2 1 2 0 5
0.889 1.889 1.111 1.111 5.000
All 8 17 10 10 45
8.000 17.000 10.000 10.000 45.000
Cell Contents: Count
Expected count
Pearson Chi-Square = 24.222, DF = 12
Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square = 25.930, DF = 12
* WARNING * 1 cells with expected counts less than 1
* WARNING * Chi-Square approximation probably invalid
* NOTE * 19 cells with expected counts less than 5
Tabulated statistics: Student Religious Adjusted, Parent
Rows: Student Religious Adjusted Columns: Parent Religious
1 2 3 4 All
1 5 5 5 2 17
4.911 6.422 3.778 1.889 17.000
2 5 8 2 2 17
4.911 6.422 3.778 1.889 17.000
3 1 2 3 0 6
1.733 2.267 1.333 0.667 6.000
4 0 2 0 1 3
0.867 1.133 0.667 0.333 3.000
5 2 0 0 0 2
0.578 0.756 0.444 0.222 2.000
All 13 17 10 5 45
13.000 17.000 10.000 5.000 45.000
Cell Contents: Count
Expected count
Pearson Chi-Square = 13.495, DF = 12
Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square = 14.788, DF = 12
* WARNING * 8 cells with expected counts less than 1
* WARNING * Chi-Square approximation probably invalid
* NOTE * 18 cells with expected counts less than 5