There are many weaknesses in this study. At first, when we tried to do a Chi Square test with the rankings just by themselves (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 or 10) on Minitab, Minitab did not give us the Chi Square value, because a few expected cell counts were one and a lot if the majority of them were under 5. We then grouped the rankings (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-10). There were still three expected cell counts that were under 5 but since the p-value was so high, it would not make any difference. Another weakness in our study is that some people that we sent surveys out to did not have a Facebook, therefore, we did not include those in our test. There was also a lot of response bias, especially in females. The students did not want to admit that Facebook was really that important or not important to them. Also, one survey that we received back had a written in ranking (-100); we did not use this in our study.
We can only extrapolate to the students of North Olmsted High School. There still many students who are not able to make a Facebook account because of their family beliefs, their economic status, and other contributions, therefore, we can not extrapolate to these schools. There are also other schools where almost all the students have Internet excess via their cellular devices, which gives them the capability to go onto their Facebook accounts more conveniently. Unless, there is another school out their with the same type of students that have the same abilities to excess Facebook, I would limit extrapolating to North Olmsted High School.
To reduce some response bias, instead of asking themselves to rank how much they value Facebook, we can ask how many hours they spend on Facebook. That way, for the people who spend six hours on facebook would not rank their Facebook value as a four. Also, we can repeat this study. Repeating this study reduces bias as well. Not only should we repeat this study in North Olmsted High School, but we can repeat this study through out the randomly selected high schools in the country. That would allow us to extrapolate to the whole entire country.