
We conducted our survey at our very own North Olmsted High School. The purpose of this study was to see if there was a difference between student athlete grade point averages and non-student athlete grade point averages Our survey consisted of several question involving What extracurricular sport(s) is the student involved in (if any), what the student’s grade point average was from the first semester of the current year, The eligibility of the student to participate in OHSAA sport(s), and the students interest in participating in an extracurricular sport. Even though we conducted this survey with extra information, we decided to take in part the students grade point average and his/her participation in sports (if any). We used mini-tab to generate our sample size. Minitab gave us a list of 120 randomized students. We took our 120 surveys and gave them out to the random students through alphabetized study hall teacher. We have received minimal feedback from our study(42 “yes” and 29 “no”) We decided to run a two sample t-test since we conducted a survey on two results, grade point average of a student athlete and grade point average of a non-student athlete. When running the t-test, we came up with a t-value of 2.6196 which gave us a p-value of 0.0059743963. Since our level of significance was 0.05 which is greater than our p-value, we concluded that we reject the null hypothesis stating that there is no difference between a student athletes grade point average versus a non-student athletes grade point average. We both agree that we should have generated a larger sample size in order to receive a more appropriate result than the one we have.