We did have some weaknesses in our study that may have had
an impact on it. Our first weakness was response bias. There
were 250 surveys sent out and 180 were sent back. This was a
pretty large amount of people who didn't return their
surveys,or they were absent the day the surveys were sent
out. There were also some people who transferred schools or
dropped out which we couldn't use.This is also why we
created such a large sample size so that we had enough to
make our study on. We also had some issues with how people
answered the surveys, either they answered them incorrectly
or they didn’t know how to answer them. We also had to take
out some of our data that we had collected because, later we
had to change our statement which made one of our surveys
incorrect to use. Due to this change in our data we had to
alter how we calculated our values on MiniTab.
We can't extrapolate the data because we had many
weaknesses, like resonse bias, and we had to altar our data
to preform our calculations. To be able to extrapolate we
would need a collection of many other surveys from other
schools because our results only can apply to North Olmsted
High School. We also failed to reject one of our
If anyone were to do another study like this I would
recommend them to use maybe a large sample size just in case
they has a sample like ours where there were people absent,
dropped out, or just didn't respond. I would also recomend
them to make sure they have a statement that they can
correctly test on.