The study
Significance Test
Why a Two proportion Z-test?
purpose of the study was to see if there was a useful comparison
between two variables.
Test 1:
B = Half of
high school students have jobs
H0=B = 0
Ha=B > 0
Test Statistic=t=b/Sb
p= .879
Assumption: The central limit theorem applies because out
sample size is greater than 30. Also we collected a random
Test 2:
B= High schoolers who make minimum wage
H0=B = 0
Ha=B > 0
Test Statistic=t=b/Sb
p= 0.00
The central limit theorem applies because out sample size is
greater than 30. Also we collected a random sample.
Test 3:
B= North Olmsted High schoolers who work more than 20 hours
H0=B = 0
Ha=B > 0
Test Statistic=t=b/Sb
p= 0.002
The central limit theorem applies because out sample size is
greater than 30. Also we collected a random sample.
Questions we asked:
Circle the answer that applies
to you.
1. Do you have a paying job?
Yes No
2. If you do have a job, do you make minimum wage, or more than
minimum wage, or do you make less than minimum wage?
Minimum wage More than minimum wage
3. If you do have a job, what is the average amount of hours
that you work each week? Is it more than 20 hours a week, or
less than 20 hours a week?
More than 20 hours a week
Less than 20 hours a week
For our sample we have taken a sample of 250 students from the
north olmsted high school.
Raw data:
MiniTab Calculations: