The purpose of this study is to learn about cheating and how often it occurs in a high school setting. We were both particularly interested in this topic because through our education experience we both have heard of all the perils of cheating and have often been threatened that it is completely unacceptable. Given this, it will be interesting to see how effective these warnings are in reality. Despite being fully aware of the consequences, do high-school students still cheat and confidentially admit to it later? Everyone seems to know that academic dishonesty takes place. We wanted to show the extent to which it happens at NOHS. Also, both of us have taken honors or advanced classes, so we are also interested in seeing how many honor students (taking at least one weighted course) admit to cheating in comparison to students taking all regular courses. This is interesting because students in honors classes may have more to lose if caught. Cheating may affect one’s ability to pursue various honors in the future.