Changing of College Major

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What is the average number of times the North Olmsted high school faculty members changed their college major? And how does that compare to the nantional average? We plan to extapolate our data in order to do this. Our sample is 50 but we only received 28 surveys back, leading to a nonresponse bias. The purpose of this study is to see if teachers changed there major more or less then the nantional average.


    Our study was to find out if NOHS faculty changed their college major more then the national average. We received a list of the entire North Olmsted High School faculty from Mrs. Caso and entered it into minitab. Then using minitab’s calc- random data-sample from column we randomly selected  50 teachers whom we questioned with a survey. However, we only receive 28, which created a nonresponse bais.

    We performed a t-test under the assumptions our data was normally distrubuted, a random sample and independant.  We found our p-vaule was 0.00 which made us reject our null hypothesis at any reasonable level of significance. We have suffient evidence to say the average number of times North olmsted teachers changed your college major is not 3. There were many weakness in our study. We had a nonresponse bias and a confounding  variable. Matt and I can extrapolate our data.
