The Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is find if the lunch study hall announcements are an effective means of communication to the student body here at North Olmsted High School. We need to determine if different programming should be used to grab the attention of the audience. Some of our key issues raised were that Seniors were not included, and also that only students with study halls were included. In our study, we asked students to respond to our question, “How many minutes do you think you watch the announcements for?”
In our High school, we are somewhat unique in that we broadcast video announcements everyday. This creates a unique ability for us to be able to reach the body of students. We also make announcements and segments that normally wouldn't normally have any appeal over a PA system or radio broadcast. By introducing the visual component, we are better able to keep viewers attention or so we think. We estimate a good viewership time is 3 minutes. We wanted to find out how well we are keeping viewers attention, and want to determine if different programming should be used.
Surveys were labeled with a post it note and sent out through the teacher mailboxes for lunch study hall monitors to have them sent out and collect the surveys to return them to us. After collection and recording the responses, we used a t-test that would give us the true mean of the watch time of the video announcements at NOHS during lunch study halls. After the test we found a p-value of .915, and that means (no pun intended) that people wacth the announcements less than our hypothesised mean of 3 minutes. Since people watch less than 3 minutes, we would want to change our programming to increase our viewership retention.