Statement of the Problem


We both have brackets this year for NCAA March Madness tournament. We have both have had them multiple years prior. So, we were wondering if more than half of the school has a bracket in this year’s tournament. We propose that more than 50% of the school have a bracket in this year’s March Madness tournament. The population we are going to test is the schools population in our classes. We will take samples from our classes (excluding lunch periods). We will ask them what grade they are in and if they have any made any brackets in the 2015 March Madness Tournament. We will then record our data on a sheet of paper and then enter them into an excel document. From there we will transfer our data into the Minitab program to receive the required information for the project. Will make sure our sample size is great enough to be accepted and we can do the test. The assumptions we will make that our sample is random and try to make it unbiased. Form there we will use our data and information received to reject or fail to reject our hypothesis.

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It's Not Normal

We wanted to find out approximately how many people filled out March Madness brackets this year compared to the amount of people who did not. To start off, we looked up some important history and the amount of people who have filled them out in past years. After all of this, we randomly selected 75 students from our school to send surveys to. Our survey asked: “Did you fill out a NCAA March Madness bracket this year?” After sending all of our surveys out, we waited and began working on other important duties. Once we received some of them back, we put them all into Minitab and constructed graphs and figured out the ratio of who filled them out and who did not. After viewing our graphs, we saw our final result and came to our conclusion that more people do not fill them out than the people who do. Some crucial parts of the study would be gender and non-response bias. Since we didn’t get all surveys back, we cannot fully tell if this data is accurate because we do not have all of the responses.