Weaknesses of Our Study
A few students were unable to be surveyed based on scheduling conflicts. This is because some students do not attend the high school regularly or they switched schools. Some of the seniors that were surveyed did not have a lunch study hall and went to Polaris, so they were hard to get a hold of. Also, 29 out of 120 surveys that we sent out were not returned, creating a nonresponse bias. Both of these problems lead to a smaller sample size. Even though the surveys were anonymous, people still may not be truthful, which generates response bias. Age and parents income are also confounding variables to consider.
This data can be extrapolated to the entire North Olmsted High School population. It can also be extrapolated to other high schools with a fairly similar economic status.
Further Work in Topic
Technology is constantly advancing every year, and new discoveries are being made every day. Students in high school will continue to buy the newest iPhones. Therefore, a follow up study could be conducted to determine whether or not more females have iPhones compared to males.