


One of the most obvious weaknesses of the study was nonresponse bias. Of the total population that I surveyed, only 84 responded. Students may have not had data or Wi-Fi or they could have simply been too lazy to respond. Another weakness of the survey could have been just simply the fact that I used ‘Google Forms’ and this could have had an impact on their choice as Google Chrome was one of the choices. Because of the wording of the question, “Which web browser do you prefer to use most in your personal life?” some students could have interpreted it in a way that others didn’t like if one assumed it to be their favorite browser versus the browser they use the most.


This data could be extrapolated to the entire North Olmsted High School population. This data could also relate to those students of another school of the same age group and characteristics such as income and status.

Suggestions for Future Studies

My study included only those at North Olmsted High School who decided to respond. A future study could be done to include all who use web browsers by using the collected data from the usage of each browser across the country or even world. If there was a similar study with a larger sample size, the statistical strength of the study would be increased.