About the Study

The Purpose of this study was to find out what web browser is superior in terms of use here in North Olmsted High School. The main question I asked myself is whether or not my favorite web browser, google chrome, was also the favorite among my peers so much so that it exceeded 75 percent of the other browsers. To do so, I created an online survey for students with the question, "Which web browser do you prefer to use most in your personal life?"



In my study I wanted to determine the preference of web browsers in North Olmsted High School. In order to test my hypothesis of whether or not Google Chrome accounted for more than 75% of the total, I created an online survey using Google Forms. I then sent a note to all the English teachers with a shortened link and instructions to instruct their class to go to the link and follow further instructions at their convenience. Once I had collected my data, I performed a 1-proportion z test. After running that test, it was concluded that the proportion of Google Chrome users did not account for more than 75% of the population. However, it did show that Google Chrome accounted for a clear majority over the other browsers.