Our study has nonresponse bias because some students chose not to respond to our survey. Some students were in Ombudsman, so we could not reach them. Also, some students wrote answers that are between two different hours, so we do not know exactly how much sleep they are getting. Instead, we had to take the average and use those values. An extaneous factor could be grade level, because people in different grades may get different amounts of sleep. If we were to extrapolate our study to a larger population, we could to other public high schools with similar schedules in the Northeast Ohio area. Our study had too much bias and schools in the same region as NOHS would have similar schedules, only allowing us to extrapolate to schools in the surrounding area. For further research, we can survey the amount of sleep other highschools or college students get on a typical week night. This would allow us to use a much larger population and see if college students' sleep schedules differ from high school students' sleep schedules significantly.