The Study


Our population of interest was NOHS students.  We took a random sample of 75 male students at NOHS, and 75 female students at NOHS.  We used minitab to randomly generate names, and then we looked up their schedules and sent out surveys to their study hall or math class.  Our survey was as follows:


Circle your gender:        male        female

Circle your grade:        9    10    11    12

On a typical school night, how many hours of sleep do you get?


44 females and 31 males responded to our survey.  We then put our data into minitab, with two columns titled "males" and "females".

Raw Data


Significance Test

We chose to use a two sample t test with our study. We wanted to determine if the average amount of sleep girls in highschool got on a typical school night was greater than boys.

1) μf = the true mean hours spent sleeping on a weeknight for female students at NOHS

     μm=the true mean hours spent sleeping on a weeknight for male students at NOHS
2) Ho: uf - um = 0

3) Ha: uf - um > 0

4) a = .05



6) Assumptions

Both samples are independently and randomly assigned.

Both populations are approximately normal because n > 30 for both populations

7) t = -2.43

8) p-value = .991 (at 72 df)