
The weaknesses are that we had people hand counting people as they entered the lunchroom and counting may have been hard for people walking in big groups or if several people walk in different doors at the same time to keep an accurate count.  Also the study was conducted only for two days and we did not have enough trials to call the data legit.  Also the study was strictly for North Olmsted High School so you can not conclude that there is not a difference in means of amount of people who pack or buy lunch at any other school. 

Suggestion to continue Study

If you wanted to continue the study you should try and find a way to have a much more accurate count of the people.  Also do the study over a longer period of time so you get more data adn more data makes it a more accurate study.  You should do the study at more schools to see if there in the same pattern for all schools.


You can not determine that there is a diffference in mean amount of people who regularly buy and who regularly pack lunch at any other school because all the data came from North Olmsted High School.