The Study

What We Found




We obtained our random sample by gathering a roster of all the current students at North Olmsted High School, and putting their names into minitab. After they were put into minitab, we obtained a simple random sample of 101 students out of the whole student body. We then created our survey which looked like this:


Anonymity is very important to us and too you. Please do not put your name anywhere on this sheet of paper, and fold it up when you are done filling it out.

Do You JUUL("SING" on the fake one)? YES______ NO______

Do You Play Fortnite? YES______ NO______

We sent these surveys out to our random sample for them complete. However, because our survey involved an illegal activity by minors, we made sure that no ones names were on the survey when we collected them back. However, we created a fake survey to make other students feel like they were part of the survey and to not make students from our random sample seem “special”. We collected our surveys back from the teachers of each of the classrooms and then began to analyze our data.

Significance Test

Chi-Square Test of Independence

Ho:There is no association between JUULing and playing Fortnite)

Ha:There is an association between JUULing and playing Fortnite)

α = 0.05

X2=Σ all cells (Observed Cell Count-Expected Cell Count)2/(Expected Cell Count)

Assumptions: 1. Samples are random samples 2. All expected cell counts are at least 5, so the sample size is large enough to use the chi-square test. (Ours is less but we assumed it was five for the sake of the project, we used the likelihood ratio test to try to negate the effects of the low cell count)

X2value = 4.334

p-value = .037 value (at (2 – 1)(2 – 1) df)


Rows: JUUL   Columns: FORTNITE

            0       1  All

0          45      13   58
       42.029  15.971

1           5       6   11
        7.971   3.029

All        50      19   69

Cell Contents:      Count
                    Expected count

Pearson Chi-Square = 4.784, DF = 1, P-Value = 0.029
Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square = 4.334, DF = 1, P-Value = 0.037

* NOTE * 1 cells with expected counts less than 5