

Before doing the study, I decided to do some research on the gender wage gap for teenagers. When typing in “difference in wages for teenage males and teenage females,” I did not get many results. I decided to make the research more general by eliminating teenagers from the search. Using this link , I found that women in the US, on average, make 19% less than men weekly (median weekly earnings).

bag of money

 The article has also said that the states that offer the most for women employees are in the Northeast. Logical reasoning was also given for the difference in the wage gap. It says that women may work less hours because they tend to take care of the house more than men would. In addition, women with kids might also miss out on work opportunities because of motherhood. They cannot work as many hours of men if they have a child that they need to take care of. It is also later mentioned in the article that with higher paying jobs, the gap between male and female pay increases. Therefore, women are making less for more rigorous jobs than men are. Using the second link , I was able to see problems about why women might make less than men. Many women do not like to play or don’t know how to play golf. Unfortunately, that’s where a lot of company decisions are made, such as wages.

 Also, working style of employees will be most likely different than one another. Some people may work at a slower pace than others, and some people may stay in the office longer than other people. Therefore, they will get more work done. Women believe that objectives in the workplace would be better if it was done collaborately, while men think that work in the office should be done independently. Using the third link , there was a lot of data regarding the weekly salaries of males and females in 2010. With the graph shown at the top of the web page, it is pretty safe to say that women in New York make more than women in the rest of the United States. Also, in Ohio, men make, on average, 172 more dollars than women do. Women in the Northeast tend to make more than women in the rest of the country.