Does videogame play affect cumulative
The Purpose of the Study:
The purpose of this study is to see whether the GPA’s of those who regularly play video games are lower than the GPA’s of those who don’t. I am researching this specific study because I am one who regularly plays video games and would like to know if this playing has a negative effect on one’s GPA. Another reason why this study interests me is because this study gives me some very important results that could change one’s study habits for the better. I hypothesize that the GPA’s of those who play video games will be lower than those who don’t.
First, I used Minitab to generate a random sample of 75 male students. They were then sent a survey to their study halls to answer it. The survey had two questions and can be viewed on 'Study' page. 55 of the 75 surveys were then returned. Using Minitab the data was analyzed giving all the analytical data. I then ran a 2 sample t-test comparing true means of G.P.A's for students who do and dont regualrly play videogames. The t-test gave me a p-value of 0.268. This was higher than my alpha which allows me to conclude that there is no difference between the true mean of G.P.A's for students who play video games and those who dont.
The purpose of this study is to see whether the GPA’s of those who regularly play video games are lower than the GPA’s of those who don’t. I am researching this specific study because I am one who regularly plays video games and would like to know if this playing has a negative effect on one’s GPA. Another reason why this study interests me is because this study gives me some very important results that could change one’s study habits for the better. I hypothesize that the GPA’s of those who play video games will be lower than those who don’t.
First, I used Minitab to generate a random sample of 75 male students. They were then sent a survey to their study halls to answer it. The survey had two questions and can be viewed on 'Study' page. 55 of the 75 surveys were then returned. Using Minitab the data was analyzed giving all the analytical data. I then ran a 2 sample t-test comparing true means of G.P.A's for students who do and dont regualrly play videogames. The t-test gave me a p-value of 0.268. This was higher than my alpha which allows me to conclude that there is no difference between the true mean of G.P.A's for students who play video games and those who dont.