We found a couple weaknesses in our study that may have lessened the
accuracy of our data. We should have had an even number of males and
females in our Sample Survey however we noticed that more girls had
been selected then guys. Some of the students we had randomly selected
no longer atteneded the High School and some were not in classes when
the surveys were distributed. Some of the students wrrote about other
pets that they owned on the surveys, ignoring our focus of only dogs
and cats. We should have been a bit more specific about what we did
and did not want on the survey, and what we wanted it to answer.
To Extrapolate we could carry the results of the study to a nationwide
scale. We feel that the null hypothesis stating that there is no
direct correlation between gender and preferred pet is most likely
true for the population of the whole of the United States.
Our suggestions to anyone whom may further continue this study would
be to have an evenly divided population of males and females to ensure
the best results.