
In order to obtain our data, we decided that our sample would be the entire population of students at NOHS. In order to obtain our proportion of students wearing their IDs for the morning, we sat at the two ID scanners in the front of the school - which each student has to pass once when they arrive at school - and tallied both those who were wearing their IDs around their neck and those were not. For the proportion of those wearing their IDs in the afternoon, we would go to the cafeteria and wait for everyone to get their food from the lunch line. Then, we would split the cafeteria into sections and we would go through and tally everyone who was wearing their IDs around their neck and those who were not. At the end we would add all of the tallies for ON together and all the the ones for OFF for both the morning and the afternoon. We did this for three days.

Significance Test

We chose to do a two sample proportion test since we were comparing the two proportions of students who were actually wearing their IDs in the morning and of students who were actually wearing their IDs in the afternoon.

P1= the proportion of students actually wearing their IDs in the morning

 P2= the proportion of students actually wearing their IDs in the afternoon

Ho= p1=p2

 Ha= p1>p2

a= .05

Conditions: Since our sample was our entire population, we met all of the conditions necessary to run a hypothesis test.


p-value= .003