Our study was created to see if the proportion of females who prefer chocolate topping on their ice cream is greater that that of males. We began our study by researching the web for similar studies and unfortunately there were none. On the plus side, we did find a lot of information that was incorporated into our study. We came across reasons why women tend to like chocolate more than men and just general ice cream facts. After we thought we had gathered enough background information, we went ahead and used MINITAB to generate the list of students we would use for our sample. Our sample consisted of 75 females and 75 males from North Olmsted High School. We sent out surveys which asked if you were a male or female, what grade, and out of four toppings we chose (chocolate, strawberry, peanut butter, and caramel) which would you prefer. We weren't able to achieve our goal of 75 surveys back for each gender, but we got back 44 surveys from females and 53 surveys from males. Some reasons we didn't get all the surveys back was due to students no longer attending North Olmsted High School, being full time in either Polaris or PSOP, and some surveys came back not filled out correctly, which created response and non-response bias. We entered the data we did obtain into MINITAB and displayed the descriptive statistics for each gender. We made a pie gragh and bar graphs to show differences (if any) between the two genders. We ran the data through a 2 Proportion Z test to find the Z critical value and p-value to detrimine if our hypothesis was correct. We ended up with a p-value of 0.246 leading us to conclude that there is insufficient evidence to suggest that the proportion of males who prefer chocolate topping on their ice cream is less that the proportion of females who prefer chocolate topping on their ice cream.