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What is the most popular movie genre based on gender?
The question we intend to answer is if there is a correlation between gender and movie genre preference. We initially expect for females to prefer the genres of romance and drama, while we expect males to prefer action movies. We arrived at this question through our personal love of watching movies and the fact that personally, we gravitate towards horror movies as well as comedies. We wondered if this was typical of women or if women were still drawn to romantic and dramatic movies. As well as if males truly do prefer action movies above all other genres. We then developed the proposal for the project to answer this question.
We began by sampling 100 students from North Olsmted High School. We stratified the study sending out samples for 50 males and 50 females in which were randomly generated from a list of all the students enrolled into our high school, and selected in MINITAB. From the 100 samples we sent out we received back 72. This was a pretty decent amount of returned responses because there were random complications that would have most likely ended up being our nonresponse bias. 38 out of the 50 females returned their responses and 34 out of the 50 males returned theirs.
In order to fix the problem we had to group romance,romantic comedy,and drama all together into drama. We also had to group sci-fi,action, sports, into actions. The last grouping that occured was musical, romantic comedy, drama, romance, were all put together into drama.
With the data we received we decided to conduct a Chi-Squared Test because of the categories that we were working with. Our results from the test provided us with a .012 p value, which we rejected at a .05 level of significance. This test gave us sufficent evidence that there was a correlation between the gender of a person and the type of movie they preferred.
If we were to of failed to reject our null we would not have been able to confidently say that our results were correct, and we could only assume.
What we didn't expect to occur was that comedy and horror would be the superior choices for the females. We expected drama/romance types of movies, and with the men although the research showed that action has been the favorite for males the past couple of years, comedy was not really a suprise for the males. With The females we cannot declare a distinctive winner because the horror and comedy were so close, and with the nonresponse bias there is no 100% way of knowing, but we have an idea.